Seriously...the title says it all! How is it Monday?
This will be a pictureless post. Just me blabbing about how the weekend starts packed with a list of to-dos and ends with a couple of things checked off and the disbelief that Monday comes around faster and faster as the weeks and years pass.
The weekend was packed! Saturday was a quick trip into the city for an appointment, lots of laundry and some housesitting. The most frustrating thing was spilling an entire cup of coffee IN the car. That was a pain to clean up. The evening brought about some video-viewing on Rhode Island and a small amount of stitching. I never got around to taking some decent pictures of my L*K ABC Lessons and all I accomplished on the stitching front was ripping out the mistake-ridden border on the Snappers and start stitching it back again. I only got as far as June so it's nothing exciting to show.
I did spend the majority of Friday evening getting supplies together. I organized, labeled and cross-referenced all the threads for Mary Wigham which will be a start, very, very soon. She's all ready to go. Threads organized, fabric cut and serged and pattern printed out. I also did a color toss for the BBD Red Sampler that will be a gift to my mom in honor of my grandmother. Colors selected and fabric picked out. That just needs to be cut. Threads, pattern and fabric are all ready for Gwendolyn to start making her appearance and the same goes for my Spring biscornu. I finally managed to find the time for the organizing aspect of the to find the time to actually stitch! I felt incredibly accomplished from just doing that though.
I also received my copy of Treasures in Needlework in order to stitch
American Sampler by Sandy Orton. I'm not too big on samplers but this one calls to me. I know it's a take (versus a true reproduction) on the Mary Balch School type of Samplers and *the boy* and I have been doing a lot of research on them since I am heading out to Rhode Island for vacation next week. We plan on hitting some needlework exhibits and I hope to be able to share some photos with you assuming they allow photos to be taken. In fact, *the boy* has been sending lots of emails and researching the Balch School and surprised me with the level of interest he now has for this stuff. He appreciates the historical aspect of the samplers more so than the actual look of them but he's planned a whole itinerary of stitchy related stuff for me to do. Talk about awesome! I let him off the hook of taking me to CT to visit the "mecca" of all needlework shops on the East Coast. I'm serious about going on a stash diet and would rather see some Boston sights. But back to the magazine. The American Sampler is beautiful and has quite a few specialty stitches I've never done before. I see this as a teaching piece to myself which will probably mean lots of whining and ripping out of hair. It also has a ton of colors and supplying myself with the AVAS will cost a small fortune! So I will not be starting this anytime soon. The copy of this magazine is OOP and can get pricey on eBay. I'm lucky to have found this due to a mis-spelling on the sale posting on! I did read in the Attic's newsletter that they will be re-printing this pattern in March in the Cross Stitch and Needlework magazine so those of you trying to get this can hold out until March 2010 and buy it at a normal magazine price.
Sunday was my friend's baby shower...lots of food, chatting and present opening. It brought about a lot of "I'm not ready for my friends to be having kids" feelings on my end. Later in the evening,
AM and I went to try a new (to us) place called
Bar Bambino in the Mission. It's on the dodgy end of 16th, but the restaurant was very trendy and cute. Service was better than food in my opinion. I'm not sure if AM would agree. The highlight was the wine and the very yummy meatballs that I ordered. Not that the rest of the food was wasn't. I just think I went in there with very high expectations given the number of great reviews the restaurant has received since opening.
Today is Monday. It started with me hearing about a scary pipe bomb incident at the local highschool in the town I work in. Everyone is still at the site trying to get things back in order and school has been cancelled for the day. It makes me think what makes things so hard for kids nowadays that they think this is a solution to whatever problem they might have? It's scary. Kids shouldn't be acting this way. Just three towns away, a teenager ended his/her life by getting hit by the train...this is the fourth kid from the same high school in the last year. What is going on? How can we (parents, friends, the public) keep kids safe?
Remember to love your kids, give them hugs, keep them safe and talk to is hard but these should not be the consequences of going to school.
On a more uplifting note, tonight is the first day of my "Beginning Clothing Construction" aka sewing class. I am hoping to learn how to turn the darn thing on and sew in a straight line! If I can accomplish that in the full semester, I'll be a happy camper.
I'll have a full report on my class and hopefully some pictures tomorrow for my regular Tuesday installment.
Hope you all have a great Monday...until next time.