As some of you already know, I work with firefighters. It isn't as glamourous or as exciting as most people think. Not for me anyways. They are like annoying older brothers to me and I am like a pesky little sister to them. But despite the annoyances, we are one big dysfunctional second family to each other. And I worry about them...although I probably would never admit that to any of them. The early heatwaves this year have wrecked havoc with the state already. So far, there have been at least 5 wildfires and it's only June! I have a feeling this is going to be one bad year. We've sent some of our guys to the Summit Fire about three weeks ago and some came back with stories about the serious conditions there. Today, I came to work to find out six others were sent to the Butte County wildfire. Having guys away from "the nest" makes me nervous. Structure fires are dangerous enough...wildfires are worse. A slight change of the wind and even the most experienced can have mere seconds to develop an alternate course of action. So I ask that you keep these guys in your thoughts and prayers that they come back home safely. And remember to be careful with fire...always be sure candles are blown out, appliances are turned off and that your camping fires are completely smothered.

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