The rest of the weekend was a massive blur and despite it's busyness, I don't have much to share. The pretty christmas tree was taken down and dragged to the curb for recycling. It saddened me greatly...it was so cheery and now I have a big empty spot in my apartment. I found new prescription sunglasses. It's so strange ordering sunglasses in January but I my eye insurance comes due every December. I'll be sure to show you guys my new find. I made a quick trip to NiaH and only came out with a small piece of fabric. Can you believe it?! I go to stitchy heaven and come out with one small little piece of fabric and nothing else...when they're having a sale! I think I'm shopped out...especially in the stash department. Maybe this will be a good run for 2009. I can use my stash and save a bit of money...or pay off debt as the case may be. I did manage to drag *the boy* to a movie over the weekend. A seemingly impossible task at times and we saw Marley and Me. It was a good movie but what a tearjerker! I don't think there was a dry eye in the house at the end. The rest of the weekend was spent trying to get ahead on Donna's Quaker RR. I've made good progress and am working on my last motif! Yay! By week's end, I'll have my happy dance with this and have it posted in the mail.
Tall Turkey is really cute - can't wait to see him 'finished'!
What is it with men and movies? I can't remember the last time we went to the movies - Ken prefers to wait until they are shown on tv and then he usually falls asleep!
I love the Tall Turkey, especially all the colors...look forward to seeing the "finished" product too. I was thinking about hitting NiaH (shop in Alameda?) to sort through their sale, too.
Cute finish! I know what you mean about the camera~~there's still a bunch for me to learn with mine (and I've had mine for almost 2 years!)
Congrats on your first finsish of 2009!
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