*The boy's* mom's birthday is Monday. To be honest...I thought it was Tuesday this whole time and I already knew I was running behind. I didn't know I was running *that* behind!! I woke up early and knit, knit, knit until the scarf was done.
A couple of weeks ago, I realized the mom's birthday was coming up and suggested to *the boy* that I make her an Isis scarf. It's cold back east and I love scarves and I made myself an Isis scarf about 4 years ago and it's my favorite. So *the boy* picked out the colorway and I bought the yarn and cast on. Here is my Isis scarf on the left and the mom's Isis Scarf on the right. As you can see, the mom's scarf is healthier than mine. It's wider and just as long. This is because I cast on too many stitches and used needles one size too big...all by mistake...because I couldn't remember. Dammit! When I said I would rip it, *the boy* said no because his mom would want a wider scarf to begin with so he bought more yarn. Normally, this scarf should knit up with just one skein. I hope that the next Isis scarf I make goes more smoothly!

Note to self: buy one of those stitchy journals so I can look at important cast on/needle size details instead of relying on my deteriorating memory!
Hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday. After the trip to the post office to get the scarf out and a yummy Indian lunch, we paid a visit to see Claire and Baby Andre and run a couple of errands. I, of course, forgot my camera. Read: deteriorating memory. Oh well... Tomorrow is a mish mash of craftiness and other stuff.
Have a great Sunday!
Until next time...
A lovely gift! I like the wider version. It will be soooo warm and cozy.
The journal is a good idea. I always tell myself, "I can remember the details!" No, I can't!
The scarf looks great!
They both look great. It's interesting to see the difference that a few extra stitches and bigger needles make.
And in Missy world if the card/package is postmarked by the birthday it counts as on time.
Beautiful scarf!!!!! I think it will make a perfect gift!!!!!
On a cold day here in Scotland that scarf looks so lovely and warm! Lovely colours too
It's beautiful! I well know that problem of forgetting the details of a project -- pretty bad. And I too don't keep a journal about it. Well, I do but only in my regular journal, which means it's impossible to look up! lol! I need a dedicated journal for my projects. Anyway, I'm glad you got it all done -- it's a beautiful colorway, and so is yours. As for forgetting the camera, yes, I do that allll the time! Indian food -- yum!
Lovely gift! I am sure she'll love it.
The scarf is great, love the colors in both. It is a beautiful gift. She will love IT!
Nice scarves - I am sure the *boys* mom will love her gift!
Congrats on finishing the mom's scarf with time to spare! It looks wonderful and I'm sure she'll love it...I know I adore my extra wide scarves :)
It looks beautiful Val. I love the colors the "boy" picked out Kudos for a good eye ;)
She will love it. I have been wanting to teach myself to knit, I may just have to ask you for some pointers and tips next time I see you.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Pretty! I am sure she will love it.
Great scarf!!! I love the colors!
I use Ravelry as my online knit/crochet project journal.
That is gorgeous and it looks so wonderful and warm! I am sure the mom will just love it!!
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