Earlier today, I headed over to NiaH for what I thought would be a quick trip. Whoa...was that place crowded! It took a while of waiting before Mary was free to help me. The main reason I went was to get fabric for Plum Street Samplers Christmas Tea. I *really* needed fabric if I wanted this to be my Thanksgiving Day start! Despite just going there for fabric, I also came out with sidebars and knobs, project bags and the Shepherd's Bush Glad Tidings Kit. I was lucky enough to check out some things that I was curious about...like SB Holly and Ivy, BBD Joyeux Noel and VS Christmas Carolers. I'm glad I saw them up close in person because I was able to resist them. Woot! About time I can resist buying stash. Must.go.on.stash.diet!!!
This weekend, I caught up on my sewing samples.
Here's the mini-vest again along with the princess seams sample.
Umm, just as a sidenote, the fabric for the sewing samples are provided by the school. I wouldn't really buy any of these prints on my own accord.
I've been very lazy about sewing my pj pants. I have no idea why considering I really think the fabric is so fun! I've managed to trace, cut and sew up the 2 pant legs. I sewed the crotch this morning but sewed wrong sides together. Oops! More time spent getting to know my seam ripper. So still need to sew the crotch and do the casing at the waist for the elastic band. Looking at them, they look huge from the crotch to the waist! I checked my measurements a bunch of times so hopefully it all works itself out.
Ok, time to get to work...on these pants.
Until next time...
*sigh* The weekend was too short!
Don't you try to throw us off, we know you have a thing for pumpkin and Indian corn fabbie!
Looks like the sewing is coming along!
Yeah, free fabric is usually free for a reason. lol
I've thought about buying a pattern for pj pants. Only thought. That puts your light years ahead of me sewing wise.
Everything looks great so far. I'd take a sewing class, except I made small photo albun cover once and decided I HATE sewing! LOL
Gosh, Valerie, what is wrong with the fabric? har har har. When I first learned to sew in high school I used whatever fabric my mom had hanging about. Some were dreadful.
Glad you got some stash today, and showed such restraint!
That's really great that you're learning all these technques. Sounds like a good sewing class! Bummer on the seam ripping though. Also sounds like a good trip to NiaH. I wish I could go to that store! Good for you for passing up on a few items too! Enjoy the short week this week!
Oh come on...you wouldn't have picked that fabric? ;)
Aside from the fabric they are fantastic!! Your sewing is looking really great!
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