With NaBloPoMo, I feel pulled in a lot of directions...topics to talk about and I don't want to tell you everything all at once because, you know, I need to be sure to have enough to talk about to fill 30 posts. Not to mention *the boy* likes the idea of being a guest on the blog and rattled off a short list of topics at me at 7am...when I was still trying to wake up. Be thankful I saved you from his quarter idea. He's all upset that he got stuck with a Canadian quarter and how back East, folks would accept the Canadian Quarter without question as payment but how here, in California, vendors all look at him crazy and think that he's trying to rip them off...of 25 cents. Apparently East Coasters are cool in this scenario and us West Coasters suck. Whatever...move on...get over it.
But I do have to say that sometimes...*the boy* is a big dork. On Sunday, he went to Walgreens to look for something and came back acting all suspicious and secretive. When I asked him what was up, he said he had a surprise and showed me this. This!
The next day, *the boy* went back to Walgreens to return the things he had bought the day before. I was hoping he'd return the Snoopy Pumpkin but something about at 80% off, it was a final sale. Again, he came with another surprise for me. I was scared!! What if he brought back a Woodstock Squash? I mean, what am I supposed to do with that? But fear not, it was not a Woodstock Squash...it was a nice trio of lined baskets. I was surprised! I liked them and they go with my living room decor.

So apparently, some scary stuff and some cool stuff can be found at Walgreens. I just go there for toiletries and stuff.
It's getting late here and I am anxiously awaiting what the election outcome will be. I hope that everyone went out to vote even if there wasn't any huge stuff on the ballot. For the city I work for, there were hotel and sales tax increases on the ballot. Approving the increases would mean that city services would be safe. Not approving would mean reduced services, brown outs of fire engines, less police officers, furloughs and possibly layoffs. I wonder what the voters decided and what this means for my future job stability. One can only hope that things turn out ok.
I hope you all have a great night...time for me to put some more stitches into my exchange.
Until next time...
Sorry to hear about the, um, misunderstanding with the, um, foreign currency.
I do recall being able to sneak said coins in while paying for candy (cause those were the perfect way to get rid of such items) when I was younger.
It is annoying arguing with a clerk when they try and pawn one off as change. It would be helpful if they didnt look so similar.
I was a good girl and went and voted yesterday. All I can say is the elected officials are very lucky it was only ballots issues in my little corner of the world. I've got a serious mad-on right now.
I see nothing wrong with your table. In fact before I de-tornadoed my own table this morning they looked very similar.
And tell The Boy that when things are 80% off there's a reason for it... lol
Oh I love it! lol! Great Snoopy pumpkin! :D And the baskets -- I guess he really wanted you to straighten up your stitching stuff, huh? Ulterior motives. I hope the election results come out well for jobs and your job in particular. I did vote -- small elections only, but I went!
Love the baskets but the Snoopy pumpkin... not too sure about that!
Haha...the snoopy pumpkin is awsome...in a I'm glad it happened to you and not me kinda way. :P
I feel him about the Canadian coins. I have to pay to do my laundry and the machine wont take anything but real quarters... and sometimes not even them. It's a pain when I get Canadians in my coin wraps from the bank. Now I make them give me only new wraps and not used ones.
Good Luck with NaBloPoMo. I would fail, lol
Love the baskets, a snoopy pumpkin?? never seen one before, but now I can say I have, lol
A plastic Snoopy pumpkin? Hideous. Tacky. You should keep it up year-round!
Love the baskets though, very handy!
I can't help laughing when I read about the Walgreen incident... At least *the boy* did good the second round!!
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