I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Day yesterday. Mine was better than I expected but still trying. The day was made easier by my brother not coming to town for the holiday so it was just me, my parents, 4 loads of laundry and a turkey dinner. The Whole Foods meal was very yummy minus the pumpkin pie. My pie is 4x better but it was included with the meal. There was loads leftover and I was able to load a plate to take home for dinner today. Mmmm...mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey and green beans. Nomnomnom! Thanks to everyone and their kind comments. I feel quite bad that people are so joyful when I'm a bummed out Scrooge but it's nice to know there are others who understand and might even feel the same way about holidays.
Today is a cold, cold dreary day in the Bay Area...even sprinkling in the morning. I am freezing and my poor little fingers are like icicles! Makes stitching a little hard!
Here is the post I had intended for Wednesday. My pj pants experience was unsuccessful last Sunday. They are about 4 inches too wide in the waist and about 5 inches too high in the rise. Oopsie! They need an overhaul that I have yet to pump myself up to doing. So on Sunday, I decided to treat myself to a little selfish stitching and I started Plum Street Samplers Christmas Tea. I had hoped to finish the words this morning but I am one word shy. OMG...so close!! If I had had the time to stitch yesterday, I think I could have finished this as it's much smaller and easier than I thought but I was busy running around collecting food, heating up food, chatting with the folks and washing lots of laundry.

I am really enjoying this little project. I started this in such a flurry of excitement and I didn't inspect my fabric. As I adjusted the q-snap last night, I noticed a tiny fuschia spot on the fabric! I am hoping that I can stitch over it once I get to that part. If not, I may have to add an additional snowflake. I wonder how the spot got on there...it's quite small. But it's too late to frog and flip the fabric. The spot is still on the other side anyways...just more faint than the side I'm actually stitching on.
I decided that it's time to keep better track of my projects and their details so I bought myself this book from
WatermarkBindery to be my stitching journal. Ther service was fast and look at it. I love the colors and the little koi fish!

Christmas Tea is the first entry in my new stitching journal. On one side, I'll glue a picture of the finished project and on the other, I will write out all the details so I can reference back to it many years from now. At the rate I stitch, I figure the journal will last me three years. Not bad!
Well, time to go get ready to meet some dear friends for afternoon tea. When I get back, I'll start Mary Wigham!
Until next time...
I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving. :) I love Christmas Tea. It's looking great so far.
I have thought about starting a stitching diary, but it'll probably get no love after the newness wears off. LOL
Better than expected is good!
What details do you keep in a stitching journal. I would think the thread and fabric used but what else?
Glad you had a better than expected Thanksgiving. :D Bummer on the pants. I hope you get them fixed ok. Love your Cranberry Tea piece so far! I had the same thing with fuschia spots on one of my samplers once -- so weird! I always suspected my old iron of doing the deed. Now I wonder..... Hmmmmm....
It sounds like a nice Thanksgiving! Laundry? There is ALWAYS laundry, holiday or not!
I love the new journal, koi! Show us a page once you start?
Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving. I'm catching up on blogs, so I'm behind in commenting as well.
I'm also not a fan of the holidays. For me, it's because I made a conscious decision after the holidays last year to permanently estrange myself from my family. I finally just got tired of the life-long toxic relationship and had "enough". Like you, hearing & reading everyone else sharing all their family joy can definitely get to me and put me in a funk. Hang in there and we'll get through this time! After all, January is only five weeks away. :)
great start to Christmas Tea. I always kept track of my stitching in a 3 ring binder. But this year I started a journal, which also includes book I have read and movies I watched. I plan on doing 1 every year.
Oh that book is so pretty! I love your idea of keeping a journal. Of course all my info is online which means one of these days I'm going to lose it all.
I'm glad you had a better day than you thought you would!
What a great little start! I love your new stitching diary!
Glad that T-giving went fine. If I known, I would have couriered over a homemade pie from my house...I made 3 and only DH eats it (however, at this posting time, all 3 have been devoured). I love your stitching diary and the way the Tea piece is coming along.
Let me know if you started MW...I was a bad SAL, for I opted to get my Friendship RR completed that landed in my mailbox so that I could get that sent out quick. I am prepped for MW and will probably put needle/thread to fabric very soon.
Glad that your brother did not make it and it turned out to be a nice day!!! Love the progress and the journal, i have thought about keeping a stitching journal too but just have not done it!
Glad you had a nice TG! I made it through with the help of a Xanax, if it weren't for that, I probably would've strangled my mother.
Love your progress on Cranberry Tea...I have that one going too. Those little red spots are weird, they show up sometimes and I think it has something to do with the dyeing process....
Love your journal. I've bought two of them and have yet to use them, lol. Good intentions....
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