This morning, I decided that I wouldn't push myself to get the pants done today. If I don't get them done, I don't get them done. I don't want to get all stressed out over something that's supposed to be fun. I'm not getting a grade in my class. It's not even pass/fail so why give myself heartburn. It's really supposed to be about my enjoyment, not what the other students or the instructor thinks. It'll all get my own pace.
Now to figure out my pace. I think I really need to dedicate an hour a day to sewing in order for me to get my projects done. This waiting to do everything at the last minute just isn't working for me. It's hard for me to stick to a schedule since I can be very all or nothing. It's why juggling a ton of projects just doesn't work for me. Once I find something I like, I want to work on it all the time. I used to be a one project girl for the longest I can juggle two or three but not really more than that.
I decided that today, I'd enjoy the day. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Knit a little while catching up on all my Tivo'd shows. If I get to Tracing my pattern...great! If I get to cut my fabric...even better. But assembly probably won't happen. Truth be told, I hate tracing and cutting. It's my least favorite part. I think once I get that done...the inspiration will return.
Here's a photo of the fabric! I think it's fun! Skulls and guitars...
Until next time...
I hope that you enjoyed knitting and Tvioing! Somedays you just can't get inspired to work on what you want, but you're right - if you get all the stuff out of the way that you don't like to do, you may just get inspired to sew.
I can so relate to you in so many ways. I think sometimes I put so much pressure on myself, when no one else does. Hope your day was enjoyable...knitting and tvoing:)
Have a great week! One day at a time;)
I love the skulls and guitars. How cute!
I'm the same way, when I feel pressure to get something done or that I should be getting something done, I walk away. It takes all the enjoyment out of it. I do it for fun, not pressure, not for timelines, or anything else.
Great stitching haul!
Your fabric is adorable. I love it.
I have been uninspired this weekend as well. It comes and goes though. Hopefully it'll be back soon. I have Christmas presents to finish!
I feel your pain here. Don't get stressed out about it. Take some time off and relax, then return to it with a fresh outlook. ***hugs***
Love that fabric!
Sometimes it is good just to sit back and not worry and just enjoy pure bliss of crafting. Sounds like a wonderful day. Love that fabric!!
That's some funky fabric!
I know about the pressure thing too. I hope you had a good day!
Oh I hate that uninspired feeling. I agree, it's better to sit back from everything for a while. I love that fabric -- my son would love it too. :D
Lovely fabric!
I hope you had a great weekend and don't stress over stitching - it's supposed to be fun!
Is the skull fabric what you're making your PJ pants out of?
I really like your fabric!
I absolutely hate getting projects ready to sew. I hate laying out my quilt squares and I hate cutting out my pattern pieces. It is quite a stumbling block to my producing sewn projects "on time"
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